My First Travel Blog

I might be a bit late to the blog game but, I wanted to have a place to share my personal travel experiences and that of my clients. I have been fortunate for almost 20 years to call travel my profession. It is my passion. I love exploring new places and having new adventures. Travel broadens the mind and gives each of us a different perspective on life.


When you visit a unique destination and culture, you’ll become more open to various ways of life!

My advice to just about anyone is…Get out and experience the world!

Hi, I'm Tracy Kirssin Hanes

For over two decades, I’ve helped my clients explore and experience the world by seeking out the best it has to offer and sharing it with them by creating bespoke dream vacations. As a travel consultant, my work is so much more than booking hotel rooms, securing a rental car, and juggling a lot of logistics. (Though, of course, I take care of all that stuff too.) It’s about lining up those one-of-a-kind experiences that make you fall in love with a new place. All you have to do is pack your bags.

Nice to meet you!